Date: Year 2024 || Type: Universe Building

redesigned the fealqin world:

Date: 12/10/2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Sophie N:48

Date: 12/10/2024 || Type: Illustration

Date: 11/10/2024 || Type: Dev-ANNOUNCEMENT

each year theres long form comic(thus a full comic issue)
released on 27 october, next year 2025 (see you on the otherside).

Date: 11/10/2024 || Type: Dev-Tooling

Web Tooling
→ rewritten Section : DTNErules
→ rewritten Section : CharacterRealms
→ rewritten Section : CharacterSymbols
→ rewritten Section : CharacterSpecies

→ New Section Added: BUGREPORT

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: Dev-Tooling

Web Tooling
→ All characters have been added now completely
→ All characters realms have been reorderd
→ Chat box has been added: no long names, no spamming, and please be respectful!
→ More chat stickers will be added soon!
→ Update log has been added for extra simple updates with upcoming plan updates

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: ArtLOG update

Click on the Dango!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Universe Building

Realms added END:
10 worlds, and thats enough!

Please read about them in the manua (soon)

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: Misc

→ Thank you for everyone that supports my work, im still grateful
for everything including my followers

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: DTNIES

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: Misc

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: Misc

Date: 10/10/2024 || Type: Dev-Tooling

Web Tooling
→ forgotten the date of most
of my artworks, i added : year 20224 to signify that most of
the art is atleast made this year
and now on from this date, there will be specific dates Added

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Universe Building

Realms added:
Fealqin, Dantes circles, Dustrial

Date: Year 2024 || Type: comics

Comics Added:
→ Overkill
NEW: → Blood of the Orchestra (BOTO)

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Misc

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Newton N:43 Blake N:42 Tanya N:44 Hireath N:47
Half Un Half N:45 X-el N:46 Silver N:41

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Alice N:38 Paya N:39

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Illustration

Date: Year 2024|| Type: DTNIES

Date: Year 2024|| Type: DTNIES

Date: Year 2024|| Type: DTNIES

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Dev-Tooling

NEW: Web Tooling
→ Section Added : DTNIES

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Universe Building

Realms added:
Celestial, Graveyard

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Lusie N:35 Massacre N:34 Lurat N:36 Brainian N:37

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Dev-Tooling

Web Tooling
→ SkullDiary has been completley renovated
→ Added CharacterLOG
→ Added AnnouncementLOG

Date: Year 2024 || Type: ArtLOG update

Click on the Dango!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Oyani N:31 Melody N:32 Sev N:33

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Universe Building

Manual Article added:
→ Elderitch KillersPoint

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Illustration

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:

Pechi N:30

Date: Year 2024 || Type: comics

Comics Added:
→ Overkill
→ Hollowworld
→ PraisemeObeyme

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Oomie N:28 Nev N:29

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: CharacterLOG update

Click on the bubble!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Illustration

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Aurora N:25 Arachnid N:26 Muertoz N:17

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024 || Type: comics

Comics Added:
→ Skunkit
→ TRF(The reapers Funeral)

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Heizenga(HG) N:21 Roque N:22 Yukoi N:18
Fish N:19 Shirang N:24 Elliot N:20

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: comics

Comics Added:
→ Skunkit
→ Hollowworld

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Skulldiary update

Click on the Donut!

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Illustration

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Dev-Tooling

Sections Added:
Comic Logs, Grafkist, The Manual

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Illustration

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Universe Building

Realms added:
Ethereal, Earthkin, Lunarian, Mythical, Elderitch

Symbolic powers added:
Light, Love, Nature, Water, Normal,
Fight, Blood, Fire, Dark, Monster

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Characters

Characters Added:
Grace N:15 Coco N:5 Trixxie N:13
Unun N:11 Nume N:7 Tiana N:17
Yunk N:3 Yuusei N:8 Bermuda N:16
Enli N:4 diaz N:14 Zillara N:6 luna N:10 drac N:12

Date: Year 2024 || Type: comics

Comics Added To:
→ Hollow world
→ Doodle jargle

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024|| Type: Miscs

Date: Year 2024 || Type: Miscs

© 2023-2024 DEATHENIZE. All rights reserved.