Personified world of the organs, body parts and emotions.
A state with vein like buildings and workers that help to sustain the core of the body with higher
ups (ceo's) that control them around.
- An
organ and a Body part is called a ceo
The workers are red blood cells
Attires/Dress Code
Red Blood Cells have a simple outfit—black pants and a red hat with a red blood cell patch on top. they're
also smaller in stature comapared to Ceo's
All CEOs must wear a military-styled uniform.
Organ Department CEOs wear a bow-tied rope and a cap with their organ’s emblem.
Body Part Department CEOs do the same, but with a body part emblem instead.
The Emotional Department is the only group without a dress code. They can wear whatever they want.
- All beings within BOE is agender/without gender by default, however they are able to have their own
Medulla Plaza
The main big open place in the BOE departments, many things go through there— the calls and the
Many blood cells are given orders on what they’re supposed to do.
Workers arrive with nutrients and depart, and many announcement
booths from the higher-ups. It’s an important place for everything.
✦The Spine Bridge
A big bone-like bridge stands over a blood-red sea, where blood cell fish flow through the waters.
Bone-like structures decorate the area, but it's dangerous— Ceo Bones lives nearby. It also becomes
battleground during infections.
vein Forrest
A big, protected sanctuary with a forest made of long veins, blood cells flower there. Its the
birthplace of the workers and CEOs. A golden blood cell means a new CEO is born, the case for that
happening Tho is very rare. the kidneys are the youngest CEOs, you can watch from a big glass-shaped-window
outside how a blood cell or CEO is born/formed
Echo Chamber
This is where all of Milly’s emotions come to life. It’s loud, messy, and full of feelings. The Emotional
Department runs their activities here.
The brain
Neurox, the brain, is in charge of all body departments. He takes his job seriously with an iron fist.
Most of his time is spent in the organ department, where he slaves his own colleagues and workers
around. Though they remain loyal to him, for they can be easily killed by him—excluding the Head(cephalon)
their "brother," and the Heart (Cardia).